Facilitating enterprise establishment, modifications, deregistration, annual inspections, and license applications to support smooth market entry in China or across ASEAN. 协助企业在中国或东盟国家设立、变更、注销,办理年度审查和相关许可证申请,助力企业顺利进入市场。 我们将为那些寻求把业务扩展到中国和其他亚洲市场的公司提供全面的市场准入服务与帮助,包括提供市场研究、战略咨询和监管合规指导。
Comprehensive HR support, including talent recruitment, Employer on Record (EOR) and payroll services, onboarding, and personnel management, aligned with workforce and compliance requirements in China and ASEAN. 全面的人力资源支持,包括人才招聘、名义雇主(EOR) 和薪资服务, 入职培训和员工管理,符合中国与东盟的劳动力及合规要求。
Offering tailored communication, hosting business exchanges, and delivering customized solutions to drive high-quality business development in China or ASEAN. 提供定制化沟通服务,组织商务交流活动,并为中国及东盟的企业高质量发展提供量身定制的解决方案。
Helping businesses understand and leverage favorable policies, funding incentives, and cross-border facilitation services in China and ASEAN for market success. 帮助企业了解并利用中国与东盟的优惠政策、资金激励措施及跨境便利化服务,助力企业成功占领市场。
Providing tax declarations, bookkeeping, bank account setup, invoice management, seal registration, cashier services, fieldwork support, and expert tax consultancy tailored to the regulatory environments of both China and ASEAN. 提供税务申报、账簿管理、银行开户、发票管理、公章注册、出纳服务、外勤支持以及专业税务咨询,适应中国与东盟的法规要求。